Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan

  Jordan’s Reception of Pope Benedict XVI, a Historical Context of Papa Visits to the Middle East

    Autor: Ulrich Seidl


Amman is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

During a business trip to Amman in 2009, I had the unique opportunity to witness Pope Benedict’s arrival at the stadium. It was an extraordinary and powerful experience,
seeing so many young people gathered before the entrance and later during the Pope's arrival and the Mass.

Massive Crowds approaching the entrance
of Amman's Football Stadium
Video courtesy of Ulrich Seidl

Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan.

Massive Crowds approaching the entrance
of Amman's Football Stadium
Video courtesy of Ulrich Seidl

Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan.

Crouds in the Stadium waiting for
Pope Benedict
Video courtesy of Ulrich Seidl

Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan.

Pope Benedict is arriving
Video courtesy of Ulrich Seidl

Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan.

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